Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunset and Moon Rise

These are some pictures I took a few days ago. . . Hope you enjoy them!

An amazing sunset just behind our house

This is the only goatie that was bottle fed, she's just as friendly as her mommy!

I love this picture of her! I don't have a lot of pictures of her. . .

Her little horns are starting to bud out!

The sun setting over the field 

The moon rising in the opposite direction


The moon rising

Do you see what I see? Amazing streaks of light shining just as the last bit of sunlight is disappearing. Amazing.


Friday, September 09, 2011

Before and After, An Amazing Transformation

            I think I have mentioned before, but my cousins have a Shetland pony, and her name is Brandy. Brandy is probably in her late twenties, and she is very shy, but, I have been regaining her trust. Brandy's hair was getting very matted, so matted in fact, that I didn't know how to get rid of them. So I just used scissors. Brandy barely lets me come up to her, but if she is in a pen, she will usually hold still and let me pet her and brush her, and cut off those terrible mattes. Brandy's mattes were so bad, that it was saddening. So I decided I would try to get rid of them. Brandy does not like to be touched, because as I remember, someone said she was abused by one of her previous owners. After the abusive owner, the guy that gave us Diamond and Hatchet got her. I don't know exactly why, but he didn't keep her, so my cousins got her. And we've had her ever since. As I was saying, Brandy doesn't like to be touched, so what I would do is go out and see her every day, and give her some sort of treat, and then just leave, so she wouldn't think I was going to take advantage of her or something. Eventually, Brandy go used to me being out there, and would come to me hoping for her treat. So she finally trusted me enough to come close to her, and closer and closer.  Eventually she let me get the mattes off. After I got the mattes off, I still give her treats, and sometimes I brush her as well. Well I think I've said enough. Here are the before and after pictures.

I said the mattes were bad, plus the summer didn't help her mattes, but she is all healthy and happy now. I'm sure it feels good not having those mattes hanging on to her. Some of them were definitely more tender when I was taking the off.

Back to her beautiful self. She is very soft! She even got a pretty red halter! She looks like a normal beautiful horse again!


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