Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Goat babies

Recently some of the goats have had more babies. Last year's offspring was hard, and most didn't live. This year, fifteen babies have been born. And all healthy and much alive.

This goat almost died last year when she was born, but was bottle-fed and is doing well now. She is one year old.

She had solid black babies. Aren't they adorable? They're kind of rare, I believe. The goat above this picture is the goat's babies from last year.

Just the usual wrestling


Monday, April 16, 2012

Butterflies and such

I guess spring has finally started. There were so many butterflies out today it astonished me. They're really so pretty. Well I hope you enjoy the pictures I took!

Notice the blue on the wasp's wing. Pretty cool; and no, I did not do that while editing.

It may be slightly blurry due to the fact the butterfly wouldn't stop moving.

Isn't the white one cool?

I know the name of this one... Though I can't think of it currently.


Sunday, January 29, 2012


     Anna finally got a bunny of her own! The bunny is six weeks old, his name is Orion, and he's a rex rabbit. Rex rabbits are a type of rabbit that were originally wild in France in 1919.So Orion, you better watch your manners! They are known for being being really soft and plush, that is proven true! Orion is soo cute and soft. He's also extremely calm.
     He's named Orion for, well, Orion of course! Orion has a sister, named Diana, the Roman name for Artemis. Orion and Artemis were hunting companions, so why not give the bunnies names of two great companions?
     Our friends were given two bunnies; one too many, and of all people to ask, they asked us if we wanted one! Anna was super excited, she still is extremely enthusiastic. She was cuddling with the bunny earlier, and it was so cute! The bunny even started nibbling at her fingers. It was adorable; both Anna and the bunny.

So, here are a few pictures I took last night after we arrived home from getting the bunny:

So cute, isn't he? He'll get a bit bigger, as well. I'm not sure how much bigger he will get, only time will tell, I guess.



Why hello, 2012! Nice to meet you! Yes, I'm new to this--year. What about you? I'm looking forward to knowing you better. We have a lot of time ahead of us. Happy New Year! It's 2012 O_o ... Well hi! So, I thought I'd just post some of the pictures I took I took recently. So here we go:

And a different sunset:


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