Saturday, December 18, 2010

Poem for Week 12

So this week's poem is about yet another Greek myth (hey, that's just what I've been writing about).

Jason and the Argonauts
They were very endeavoring and determined, 
Nothing could stop their determination,
Not gods, not men, nor even a whole nation,
They were brave and daring fighters,
And like all youths,
They were late-out-nighters,
They were all strong and bold,
And for some reason,
Never caught a cold,
So that is my summery of the Argonauts,
Though I used to confuse them with the astronauts.

Well, I'm almost completely out of poems now if not. So I think I won't post any more poems for at least until sometime in January, after  I'm done with all the busy Christmas stuff and write some more poems. I think I have a hunch on a poem that is going to be with an AWESOME surprise post around the beginning of January.  


Anonymous,  December 20, 2010 at 6:26 PM  

good poem Song! You really DO have a way w/ words


Anonymous,  December 20, 2010 at 6:27 PM  

GR8 job Song! I luv ur poems!


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