Friday, October 01, 2010

The Goofy Puppies

           Personly, I think Michael looks like a sausage in this picture. Well doesn't he!?!?!?! He's really quick for how small he is, and he looks really fat and  sausage-like, but he's pretty muscular. Missy loves to bay and howl, but it's so sweet and cute. Missy chill'in out on the couch and, like I said, Holly is terrified of the camera; the other day I tryed to take a picture of Holly, and she freaked out and ran away to hide in my parents' closet. 
          I think Michael looks like a sausage in this picture. Well doesn't he!?!?!?! He's really quick for how small he is, and he looks really fat and  sausage-like, but he's pretty muscular. Missy loves to bay and howl, but it's so sweet and cute. Missy chill'in out on the couch and, like I said, Holly is terrified of the camera; the other day I tryed to take a picture of Holly, and she freaked out and ran away to hide in my parents' close.

Missy loves to howl
This is what we call Michael's 'guitly look'

Missy had a tiring day

Oh don't mind me, I'm just sitting here chill'in

Please don't me! I'll do whatever you want, just don't take my picture!


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