Monday, October 18, 2010

Poem For Week 5

This week the poem is about this book series I really like, called the Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan. I have two other poems based on John Flanagan's series' characters. Here's the one based on just the series. *clearing throat*

The Ranger's Apprentice books,
 They catch my mind like hooks,
 Sometimes they seem very intense,
But ever since, they've been constantly on my mind,
 My thought of the Ranger's Apprentice in which they bind,
 The books can be quite surprising,
  As I wait for the tenth arising,
I'm afraid my patience will grow weary,
Even though sometimes they make me teary,
 They also make me laugh,
 Which immediately cuts my tears in half,
 The books are full of brilliant tricks and schemes,
 They are absolutely amazing,
 I wouldn't change even one thing,
 Now it's time for me to fly, and I bid you good-bye.
This is probably about the longest poem I've written so far, but it's so much fun writing these poems. The Ranger's Apprentice series is really good, and like it says in the poem, It will be very hard for me to wait for the tenth book. I've already finished the ninth book, and the tenth doesn't come out until like April 19. It will definitely be a struggle waiting for the tenth, but I'll live (Hopefully). Well, Talk to you later!!


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