Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Couple of Small, Nimble Foresters

       Well, yesterday when I was doing school I got a little bored, so I took a break and decided to sketch a little. The result: I ended up sketching a rabbit and a squirrel, I tried to come up with a few others that related to them, but I didn't like how they turned out.
So here are the Rabbit and Squirrel sketches I made:

So this is my Squirrel, almost a rabbit, but turning out to be a Squirrel.

And this is my Rabbit. I don't know, I just felt like sketching.

      It's a good thing I'm Home-Schooled, so I won't get in trouble for sketching a little on the back of my schedule folder. But hey, it's just blank on the other side of the schedule anyway, so it doesn't do any harm.  
I just right my name or color or sketch or doodle on the back... it sort of marks my spot anyway.  
It's not like I skip school to do it, but it gives me a little break on school if it just bores me too much.


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